Work in Confined Space, Standby Man & Permit Issuer Training In meeting your obligations under the National Work Health & Safety Regulations of 2011, you must be able to answer either by documentation or demonstrated practices that you have complied with the various Regulations of Legislation.
The Act and Regulations place requirements on specific individuals and their role in ensuring compliance to the regulations, those involved in the work in confined space entry must:
Regulation 76: "Ensuring that suitable information, training and instructions relating to the nature of all hazards and emergency procedures have been given."" From the case examples above it can be seen that not all tasks follow the standard "jump into the hole and do it" category. You have a responsibility to ensure that persons under your control are trained in the activity environment as much as the technical knowledge of the task at hand allows.
At Asset Safety, training is provided with a client specific approach, via an Educational Provider serving as the RTO. The various modules can include the documentation, terminology and equipment used by the workers, rather than a generic item.
“Talking the talk” of the workers has been found to increase their understanding of the requirements. Likewise, the instructors have a depth of knowledge across high voltage, utilities infrastructure and underwater construction, providing hands-on familiarity with task scenarios the workers face.
Wherever possible the training is provided on the customer’s job site, or workshop, using the same entry conditions, rather than the often limited capabilities of simulation training.
Contact for further information or call 0412 254158