Cert II & III Fire Protection Assessor and EAHL License 1 - 6 Assessor

Asset Safety’s Lead Assessor -Mike Sheedy has worked 35 years in the Private Sector, Power Generation &Water Utilities, Petro-chemical Industry as well as the Armed Forces. He has worked across maintenance and process operations of the Water & Effluent Treatment, Power Generation and Chemical manufacturing industries as well as holding senior management roles in private enterprise.

Mike has had over 25 years’ experience as a Trainer and Assessor starting with Adult technical cross trade training programs as well as the early OH&S packages for industry and being a representative on the Electrical Industry ITAB for Co-generation in the late 1990’s.

While at Asset Safety Pty Ltd, Mike has been involved with assessing individuals and businesses undertaking the Certificate II and Certificate III programs in Asset Maintenance – Fire Protection as well as those undertaking Extinguishing Agent Handling License qualifications.

A typical Competency Assessment is conducted in two parts. The Practical component of the assessment papers requires each technician to go and demonstrate a number of tasks that they would typically do in their routine Inspect, Test & Maintain schedule. They should be able to identify any WHS issues on the job site and identify components on the equipment and safe actions to take during the servicing work.

The Theory component of each of the units being undertaken requires the participant to answer a series of questions by a written response. In some cases a drawing or technical explanation is required.

When conducting assessments the main idea is for you to demonstrate your understanding and skills required for a task, in any manner in which you can show this. The Assessors job is to validate this demonstration of competency and assess against the criteria

This is why our assessor conducts assessments at the student’s normal jobsite to provide the least interruption to business and the best environment for the student to demonstrate their skills.

The Fire Occupational Licensing page at The Service Trades College has more information regarding the National Competencies for a Certificate II and III in Asset Maintenance and the Extinguishing Agent Handling Licences.

Contact training@assetsafety.com.au for further information or call 0412 254158

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