WHS Consultation & Workplace Safety Audits Asset Safety’s Lead Assessor -Mike Sheedy has worked 30 years in the Utility Infrastructure, Power Generation and Petro-chemical Industries. He has worked across all industry maintenance sectors and process operations from Technician to Operations Manager level.
During this time Mike has worked for companies such as I.C.I., Honeywell, Orica and Exxon-Mobil and undertaken specialist
training in Project Management Planning, OH&S Auditing and Workplace Consultation. Mike currently holds a Diploma in Work Health and Safety and is qualified to deliver WHS Consultation programs in the workplace.
Working within your own systems to provide quality/safety/technical audits or developing small business Work Health and Safety Management Systems are a key feature of the services provided by Asset Safety Pty Ltd.
All our training packages are designed to incorporate the customers documentation, procedures and terminology and as far as possible delivered to provide minimum impact on normal operations.
Contact training@assetsafety.com.au for further information or call 0412 254158